
who says being a security consultant isn't glamourous?

This is my trusty crapple as it is in process of performing some automated assessment work.
Look at this wild and crazy life best typified by Motorhead's "We are the road crew"

Another town another place,
Another girl, another face,
Another truck, another race,
I'm eating junk, feeling bad,
Another night, I'm going mad,
My woman's leaving, I feel sad,
But I just love the life I lead,
Another beer is what I need,
Another gig my ears bleed,
We Are The Road Crew
Another town I've left behind,
Another drink completely blind,
Another hotel I can't find,
Another backstage pass for you,
Another tube of super glue,
Another border to get through,
I'm driving like a maniac,

Driving way to hell and back,
Another room a case to pack,
We Are The Road Crew

while not wholly accurate considering the food has been stellar this week - the rest is right on!

time to self-medicate!

Note the can of "Cocaine" energy drink in front of the crapple. This was procured from a local filthy liquor store while in search of a post-cheese-steak bottle of water. I was amazed to find the Cocaine branded beverage in a store. After they lost their name, I figured the company would fold but NO! they became no-name beverage and should have their fine namesake back by mid 2008. Regardless, this powerful drink found it's way into my greasy hands this afternoon, and to be truthful, it tasted OK. In fact, it was good after the 1st sip. It has a pleasant burning/numbing sensation which keeps you trucking along as you suck down the drink that's 3x a strong as a redbull. Not as tasty as my now-defunct elixer of choice, Recon(tm) Energy Cola - but it is seemingly more available in both Cut and uncut (sans burn - nambypabmies) versions

whatever, who gives a crap, eh?
I'm tired and heading to sleep!

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